
School project - Online competition creator and match tracker in Symfony2. Not in active development anymore!

Primary LanguagePHP


What is MatchTracker?

MatchTracker is an online competition creator and match tracker tool created by 3 ICT students during the course Projecten2 at KAHO Sint-Lieven. Follow our development blog for the latest news and development articles.

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Since we use the Symfony Framework, you need at least PHP version 5.3.

  • Clone this GIT repository to your webserver
  • Go to your the config wizard, e.g. matchtracker.localhost/web/config.php to generate a new /app/config/parameters.yml with your database settings.
  • If composer (composer.phar) isn't already installed, run curl -s http://getcomposer.org/installer | phpto install it.
  • Install the vendors: php composer.phar install
  • Import the dev/db.sql database dump to your database.
  • Run MatchTracker: matchtracker.localhost/web/app_dev.php