Fork CMS Catalog module

This catalog module is insipred by the created by Webleads. We upgraded this module from Fork version 3 to version 5. By this we are able to use more of the Fork features.


At the moment it is almost the same as the Webleads module, but we left out some code and are still working on this, our changes are:

  • Improved the products by adding:
    • Related products
    • Special prices (sale prices)
    • Added a article number
    • Added VAT options
    • Add product specifications on the flow. The user gets the option to create or select one while adding or editing a product

We also removed some components:

  • The media manager has been removed in favour of the default Fork media manager
  • Removed comments on products (may return in the future)

How to install

1. Upload the module

Upload this module as usual, copy the Catalog folder from the Backend and Frontend.

2. Run composer

This module requires extra dependencies, you can install these by running:

composer require tetranz/select2entity-bundle
composer require knplabs/knp-snappy-bundle
composer require h4cc/wkhtmltopdf-amd64

Enable KnpSnappyBundle and new TetranzSelect2EntityBundle in your kernel:

// app/AppKernel.php
public function registerBundles()  
    $bundles = [
        new \Tetranz\Select2EntityBundle\TetranzSelect2EntityBundle(),
        new \Knp\Bundle\SnappyBundle\KnpSnappyBundle(),

Add the wkhtmltopdf path to your config file:

# app/config/config.yml
        enabled:    true
        binary:     %wkhtmltopdf.binary%

And update your parameters.yml with the following:

    wkhtmltopdf.binary:     %kernel.root_dir%/../vendor/h4cc/wkhtmltopdf-amd64/bin/wkhtmltopdf-amd64

You may edit this value match your needs.

3. Install extra JavaScript and CSS


yarn add select2

Add some lines to gulpfile.js:

  • Search for gulp.task("build:backend:assets:copy-css-vendors", function() { and add "node_modules/select2/dist/css/select2.min.css", to the .src array.
  • Search for gulp.task("build:backend:assets:copy-js-vendors", function() { and add "node_modules/select2/dist/js/i18n/nl.js", "node_modules/select2/dist/js/i18n/en.js", "node_modules/select2/dist/js/select2.full.min.js", to the .src array.

And than build the files:

gulp build

Now you should be able to run this module.

At the moment we are working on the backend, frontend is slowly to be finished.

Start selling

After setting up Mollie or Buckaroo you are able to sell your products!

But to increase sales and SEO we added some tools.

1. Sitemap generator

Install the sitemap generator build bij jeroondesloovere:

When you create a Cronjob you should be able to generate a sitemap each day.

2. Google Shopping Feed

When you assign Google Shopping Categories to your categories you would be able to display products in Google Shopping.

Setup is really easy:

  1. Assign the right categories
  2. Create a cronjob which generates the feed daily, the cronjob command is: php bin/console catalog:generate-merchant-feed
  3. Add the feed to your Google Mechant Center
  4. Start selling products

This feeds also works for Bing!