
Simple page authorization for static webpages

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT


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Port is a simple Rails application to take static webpages (html, xml) and bolt-on some basic authorization.

Port provides access to a dashboard that allows an administrator to set particular pages as public or private.

Any pages that have private visibility require a valid access code to be entered before access to the contents of the page is granted. The access code is stored in the user's session, so once a valid code is supplied, a user may browse all private pages throughout the session.

Note: It is a good idea to make the main index.html file that maps to the route / to be public as many controller methods will redirect to this page as a landing page.

Another Note: Any files that are with the static/assets directory are always publicly visible. This way one does not have to maintain the visibility of all asset files individually. Be warned.


A new Port deployment will display a 404 page at the root url (i.e. http://localhost:3000/). This is because there are no html pages in the app/views/static directory. By default, Port will setup the root url to the app/views/static/index.html file.

Here's a few steps that will setup a new deployment:

  1. Execute bundle install to install dependencies.
  2. Migrate the database: rake db:migrate.
  3. Create an admin account: rake admin:create[email,password].
  4. Copy your static html files to the app/views/static directory.
  5. Visit /dashboard and login using the newly created admin account to update the pages in the database, or call rake pages:scan. By default, the main index.html file will be publicly viewable.
  6. Presto! You should be able to reach any publicly viewable pages from their traditional urls.


An admin dashboard may be reached at the /dashboard url. Once an administrator has logged in, they may set the visibility of pages, or create/delete access codes.

The directory containing the static templates is scanned and updated upon successful login to the admin dashboard. Therefore, one should visit the admin dashboard after adding templates to the static directory.

A rake pages:scan task is available to update the pages in the database to match the filesystem without visiting the admin dashboard.

A rake admin:create task may be used to generate a new administrator account as such:

rake admin:create[test@test.com,12345678,12345678]

where the options provided are the corresponding email, password and password_confirmation attributes.


By default, any files ending in .html or .xml inside the app/views/static directory will be considered static templates.

The static directory may be changed by setting the config.x.static_root key to the requested path in the appropriate rails environment file (likely production.rb).

A contact email address is supplied to users requesting access to private pages. This specifed by setting the PORT_CONTACT_EMAIL evironment variable, or it may be directly set via the config.x.port_contact_email key in application.rb.


Port is licensed under the MIT License. Please see LICENSE for details.