Applied Mathematics student at Aalto University, Finland. I'm passionate about quantitative finance, machine learning, and mathematics in general.
jessehamalainenaalto's Following
- alexjungaaltoAalto University
- algoquantNYU Tandon
- alpha-xone
- claudio-ICLLondon
- curiousilyBulgaria
- EliteQuant
- evankirkilesThe New York Times
- fchollet
- firmaiNYU |
- google-deepmind
- haarnojaUC Berkeley
- hackingthemarketsSan Francisco, CA
- HannesStarkMassachusetts Institute of Technology
- jeffheatonReinsurance Group of America (@rgare)
- kieranjwoodUniversity of Oxford
- lorenzoluccheseImperial College London
- mnickNYC
- PyPatelIIT Madras
- slundbergMicrosoft Research
- tkipfAmsterdam
- twitter-research
- vpaal
- yhilpischThe Python Quants | The AI Machine