
This is a repository for study-only purposes, containing some bootstraps and sample applications

Primary LanguageJavaMIT LicenseMIT

Spring Cloud Bootstrap

This is a repository for study-only purposes, containing some bootstraps and sample applications. This code was based on the tutorials https://www.baeldung.com/spring-cloud-bootstrapping and https://spring.io/guides/gs/centralized-configuration/


Spring Boot 2.1.6 Spring Cloud Greenwich Maven 3.6 Lombok Java 8

Project Organization

The project contains the server projects: config-server, discovery and gateway; and also the clients: book-service, rating-service and client-refresh.

  • The directory application-config is a git repository that contains the property files for all applications
  • Config-server is the configuration server which provides the properties from the git repository (based on application-config)
  • Discovery is the Eureka name discovery server in which all the projects should be registered
  • Gateway is the Zuul server acting as a reverse-proxy for name resolve
  • Book-service and Rating-service are two sample web projects offering Rest endpoints
  • Finally, Client-refresh is a web project that exposes the message property in config file and can be refreshed as the message changes


First you need to checkout the repository and compile each project. Then, move the folder application-config to your ${HOME} directory (C:\Users{your-user} on Windows and /home/{your-user} on Unix) and do git init, git add . and git commit -m 'your commit message' into it. This will prepare the repository with the config property files for Config-server server. After that, start the servers with mvn spring-boot:run following this order and waiting each one stay up to proceed to the next (this is important!): config-server, discovery and gateway. Once they are up, you can start any client sample you want with mvn spring-boot:run.

You can check the properties of each project by accessing http://localhost:8081/{application-name}/{profile}, like http://localhost:8081/book-service/default to read the propeties of book-service client. Also, for the Config-server project the /env actuator is enabled. Moreover, the actuator /refresh is enable for Client-refresh allowing the refresh properties call through $ curl localhost:8085/actuator/refresh -d {} -H "Content-Type: application/json"


It is fundamental to init the repository and commit each file to get the properties file available on Config-server. Pay attention on all the service names. They are used for the identification and bind in Eureka and Zuul servers.

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