
So you want a website...

Primary LanguageHTML


So you want a website...


  • just HTML, CSS, and JS, no weird template or preprocessor languages
  • transpiles ES6, ES2016, and ES2017 with babel
  • autoprefixes CSS rules
  • @import statements cause separate CSS files to get concatenated into one file
  • use any npm packages you want simply using require('some-module')
  • .html files get wrapped in a layout
  • in dev mode files get watched for changes

Getting Started


  • run npm start
  • open a browser to localhost:8080
  • edit the .html, .css, .js in the /src dir


  • open package.json and change "awebsite.surge.sh"
  • run npm run deploy
  • login to surge or create an account

Under the hood

Metalsmith is running the show. There are two configurations dev.json and prod.json. The dev one watches files for changes. The prod one will minimize stuff (not yet though).


HTML files are handled by metalsmith-layout which just sticks the contents of the file into the layouts/default.html file. You can add frontmatter to these files, and the values will wind up in the layout. You can create new layouts if you want.


CSS is handled by PostCSS. Two plugins are currently being used, one that inlines @imports, and one that autoprefixes. There's a lot of other PostCSS plugins that can be added.


JS is handled by Browserify. One transform is currently being used; 'babelify' which passes the bundled JS through babel to transpile ESlatest to ES5.