API app that allows the user to return information regarding animals that are listed at an animal shelter
Endpoints for GET (all and by id), POST, PUT and DELETE.
A RANDOM endpoint that randomly returns an animal.
A second custom endpoint that accepts a name and returns all animals that share that name.
Serialization of parameter (name, breed and age)
Thorough exception handling.
Complete testing with request specs.
Randomized data with Faker.
$ git clone https://github.com/jessehoareevans/api-shelter.git
$ cd animal_shelter
Install required gems:
$ bundle install
Install postman app:
Start postgres:
$ postgres
Create databases:
$ rails db:create
$ rails db:migrate
$ rails db:seed
Start the webserver:
$ rails s
- Open the postman app
To see all of the dogs
- Select 'GET' method and copy http://localhost:3000/dogs
To see all of the cats
- Select 'GET' method and copy http://localhost:3000/cats
To see a specific dog by id
- Select 'GET' method and copy http://localhost:3000/dogs/ followed by the id number associated with the dog
To see a specific cat by id
- Select 'GET' method and copy http://localhost:3000/cats/ followed by the id number
To delete a specific dog by id
- Select 'DELETE' method and copy http://localhost:3000/dogs/ followed by the id number associated with the dog
To delete a specific cat by id
- Select 'DELETE' method and copy http://localhost:3000/cats/ followed by the id number
To update a specific dog by id
- Select 'PATCH' method and copy http://localhost:3000/dogs/ followed by the id number associated with the dog then change the value in the "Body" portion of postman.
To update a specific cat by id
- Select 'PATCH' method and copy http://localhost:3000/cats/ followed by the id number then change the value in the "Body" portion of postman.
To see a specific dog by breed
- Select 'GET' method and copy http://localhost:3000/dogs?breed= followed by the breed of dog you want to see
To see a specific cat by name
- Select 'GET' method and copy http://localhost:3000/cats?name= followed by the name of the cats you want returned
To see a random dog
- Select 'GET' method and copy http://localhost:3000/dogs?random_dog=
To see a random cat
- Select 'GET' method and copy http://localhost:3000/cats?random_cat
Ruby on Rails, HTML, CSS
Copyright (c) 2017 Jesse Hoare Evans