
[P]retty [U]seful [PY]thon

Primary LanguagePythonBSD 2-Clause "Simplified" LicenseBSD-2-Clause

PUPY ~ Pretty Useful Python

This package (pupy) is full of Pretty Useful Python.

These things

Build Status Wheel Version py_versions


Installing is EZPZ...

pip install pupy

Want more???

Pupy has a few optional dependenies for reading and writing files which can be installed with the following command:

pip install pupy[io]

Or you can pick and choose...

If you plan on using Jason you can install ujson

pip install ujson 

or rapidjson for a speed boost

pip install python-rapidjson

and if pupy can't find either it'll fall back on the python-stdlib json thing.

But wait theres more! Pupy has several optional dependencies for savings and loads which you can install with...

pip install ruamel.yaml  # If ya mel in your spare time
pip install msgpack  # If you wanna pack messages
pip install toml  # toml (aka 'that other markup language'(?))
pip install aiofiles  # if you wanna do async stuff


'Ahead of the curve.' -Haley who goes to Harvard

'huh?' -Tim Apple

'If I were stranded on a dessert island and had to pick between having a copy pupy or a thing of water I would pick the water, but if I didn't have to pick it wouldn't hurt to have.' -Ryan of the fro with his fro

'I don't use python.' -KirstenKirsten Chief Evernote Officer

'I can't say google wouldn't not go down if it weren't for pupy.' -Ben W from the g-suite

'A literary masterpiece on par with my second greatest work finite jest.' -Bananas Foster Wallace

'Best place for python savings and loads in the tri-content area.' -Genghis Khan