- 0
Possible need to update card brand regex
#662 opened by Leviosar - 3
failure to identify card
#661 opened by fatemaSecuricore - 5
How to get the card type (visa, mastercard, etc.) so I can pass that info to payment gateway
#604 opened by frankkreutzer - 0
- 2
- 2
It does not work
#638 opened by EslamElbyaly - 2
- 1
not sure if this is still relevant but for people with the same question: you can use the bin of the card to decode if it's type, the bin is the bank identification number of each card and it identifies a card down to the bank which issued it, with a BIN API like the one from you are easily able to check which card goes with which card type.
#657 opened by Patcharawan1979 - 2
This project is being used in suspicious site
#525 opened by TRSC25 - 13
- 10
npm install errors
#585 opened by FairyPenguin - 2
Demo link is broken in the readme file
#584 opened by FairyPenguin - 3
Add CSS variable support for card colors
#574 opened by GeorgeNance - 0
Card credit
#577 opened by Gad007 - 3
Show card without inputs
#573 opened by SDAdham - 7
how to flip card from js code
#556 opened by darkworks - 3
- 1
Card Info storage to database.
#547 opened by popah146 - 5
Mobile-Responsive breaking layout
#463 opened by gabrielcpolidoro - 6
- 5
Mastercard Not recognized
#526 opened by mauroagr - 1
Credit Card with RTL the float:right makes a problem
#538 opened by mfadel85 - 10
- 9
Refreshing the Credit Card Image
#471 opened by dcipher - 4
Fix donations link
#478 opened by fulldecent - 2
Next js Issue
#447 opened by rakin92 - 16
Expiry date mask not working on mobile.
#484 opened by Enzodtz - 1
Expiration Date issue on Android Devices
#477 opened by mahdera - 8
Card can't find a numberInput in your form
#482 opened by LeandroMonqueiro - 4
CSS Invalid
#481 opened by danielehrhardt - 1
- 1
- 2
Refresh Card on Postback
#444 opened by jeremy-morren - 3
Card form on mobile
#462 opened by OriginersMc - 1
Security code when American Express card
#464 opened by kleyber-ribeiro - 0
Ccarte genere
#465 opened by dryhach - 1
How to get Expiry date as MMYY instead of MM / YY
#468 opened by undercontr - 3
Problem with expiration date mask (MM / YY) on some cell phones in Chrome
#446 opened by FelipoAntonoff - 1
Maestro 5078
#437 opened by enricodias - 4
Why visa accept 19 digits?
#448 opened by rafagan - 1
Input fields, Card number, expiry date and CVV should limit the number of dig once the card type is detected.
#475 opened by Raza403 - 3
how do we add this with vuejs??
#441 opened by ironshashi - 3
Spam in this repository ?
#452 opened by juancarlosso - 0
- 0
- 1
hire programmer
#460 opened by lucasoler - 0
css only usage broken?
#476 opened by WilliamColmenares - 0
Nuxt.js implementation?
#438 opened by DerekCrosson - 0
Load on existing data (repost. see the issue #20)
#457 opened by bilguunabi - 0
PHP error
#440 opened by matheusvigilato