

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

HBSIS OpenWeather Client

Build Status

The following web application consists of two backends (one api and another postgresql server) and the frontend. Both the api and frontend are programmed around Flask and python.

The API backend contains the city, country and city id information for calling forecasts from OpenWeatherMap.org

The postgresql server contains user information and storage of city id.

A user registration has been created to allow individial sessions to be stored. Users can add or remove city forecast registrations and view upto 5 days of forecasts.

O seguinte aplicativo da web consiste em dois back-ends (uma api e outro servidor postgresql) e o front-end. Tanto a API como o frontend são programados em torno do Flask e python.

O back-end da API contém as informações do código da cidade, país e cidade para chamar as previsões do OpenWeatherMap.org

O servidor postgresql contém informações do usuário e armazenamento do ID da cidade.

Um registro de usuário foi criado para permitir que sessões individuais sejam armazenadas. Os usuários podem adicionar ou remover registros de previsão da cidade e visualizar até cinco dias de previsões.

Backend 1:

Flask serving sqlite based cities. (make_sqlite_db.py) converts city.list.json from openweathermap.org to sqlite.

To start the server simply run within the backend_docker folder :

python app.py 

To prepare container for Docker

docker build -t backend_docker .
docker run -d -p 5050:5050 backend_docker

Backend 2 (Postgresql Server):

Run the following commands within the backend2_docker folder to build and run a docker container with specific database settings.

database name: openweather username: docker password: docker

docker build -t postgresdocker .
docker run -dp 5432:5432 postgresdocker 

Flask (Frontend):

Set the os environment variables and run the frontend from frontend_docker folder. No Dockerfile has been setup.

export APP_MODE='config.DevelopmentConfig'
export DATABASE_URI='postgresql://docker:docker@localhost/openweather'

Run initially to prepare postgres db

# prepare db
python manage.py db init
python manage.py db migrate
python manage.py db upgrade

Run the frontend

python manage.py runserver

to run tests

export APP_MODE='config.TestConfig'
export DATABASE_URI='postgresql://docker:docker@localhost/openweather'
python manage.py test

If there is a problem, please do not hesitate in contacting me.