
Primary LanguageRuby


This gem provides a lightweight class, Vcf, which can be used to parse VCF files by giving it one VCF line at a time.

To install, just install the vcf gem:

sudo gem install vcf


To print the DP (read depth) value of each entry, you might do this:

require 'vcf'

for line in gets
  next if line[0] == "#" # Skip header if it exists
  puts Vcf.new(line).info["DP"]

You can do something similar with a one-liner at the command line

cat test.vcf | ruby -r vcf -ne 'next if $_[0] == "#"; puts Vcf.new($_).info["DP"]' 

You can also use the parse_line method to reuse the same Vcf object

require 'vcf'

v = Vcf.new

for line in gets
  if v.parse_line(line) # Returns false if line starts with # (a header line)
    puts v.info["DP"]


The Vcf class has the following member variables:

  • chrom: A string such as "chr1".
  • pos: An integer, 1-based start position of the locus.
  • id: A string, the name/id of the locus.
  • ref: A string, the reference allele.
  • alt: A string, the alternate allele.
  • qual: An integer or a string ("."), the quality of the locus.
  • filter: A string, the list of filters that the locus failed.
  • info: A hash, describing the locus with string keys pointing to string values. For example vcf.info["DP"] == "20".
  • format: A string or nil, the name of properties for all samples at this locus (nil if no samples are specified).
  • samples: A hash, {sample name => {property_name => property_value}}. For example vcf.samples["sally"]["GT"] == "0/1". If sample_names were not specified when parsing the line, sample names in this hash will be "1", "2", ... etc. Top level hash is emtpy if no samples are specified.