
Lab delivered by myself and other wonderful Red Hatters at Red Hat Summit & IBM Think 2020

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Red Hat Summit 2020 Lab on RHMI (Integreatly)

This repository contains a Solution Pattern that's compatible with the Solution Explorer to facilitate the lab.

It also contains a Ansible Playbooks to deploy the lab infrastructure on a pre-existing RHMI (Integreatly) v2 Cluster.

Lab Deployment and Administration

Refer to ansible/README for instructions.

Requirements for Development

  • Node.js 10+
  • npm 6+
  • yarn

The easiest way to install these requirements is to use nvm and then run:

nvm use 10

# yarn v1.x should be explicitly used. v2 is not tested with this lab
npm install -g yarn@1

Development Setup for Lab/Walkthrough Content

Setup requires installation of Node.js 10.15 or later. This enables a Git hook that verifies the asciidoc content and walkthrough config.

git clone git@github.com:evanshortiss/summit-2020-rhmi-lab.git

cd summit-2020-rhmi-lab

npm install

View Walkthrough Content Locally

When running the Solution Explorer (webapp) locally you lose certain features, such as the injection of variables into asciidoc. Use local development to quickly preview changes, but for testing deploy on an actual RHMI cluster.

# Clone the Solution Explorer
git clone https://github.com/integr8ly/tutorial-web-app

# Clone this lab in the same directory as the Solution Explorer
git clone git@github.com:evanshortiss/summit-2020-rhmi-lab.git

# Set WALKTHROUGH_LOCATIONS variable the Solution Explorer needs
export WALKTHROUGH_LOCATIONS=$(pwd)/summit-2020-rhmi-lab/walkthroughs

# Start the Solution Explorer at http://localhost:3006
cd tutorial-web-app
yarn install
yarn start:dev

View Walkthrough Content on an RHMI Cluster

Via OpenShift UI

  1. Sign in as admin to the cluster.
  2. Open the Solution Explorer project.
  3. Navigate to Resources > Other Resources using the side menu.
  4. Choose Web App in the dropdown.
  5. Choose Actions > Edit YAML for tutorial-web-app-operator in the list.
  6. Under spec.template.parameters (this block will also contain OPENSHIFT_HOST and some other variables) add the following:
WALKTHROUGH_LOCATIONS: 'https://github.com/integr8ly/tutorial-web-app-walkthroughs#v1.6.4,https://github.com/evanshortiss/summit-2020-rhmi-lab'

Via OpenShift CLI

  1. Login as admin using oc login -u admin
  2. Run oc patch webapp tutorial-web-app-operator -n webapp --type=merge -p '{"spec":{"template":{"parameters":{"WALKTHROUGH_LOCATIONS":"https://github.com/evanshortiss/summit-2020-rhmi-lab"}}}}'