
FetchedResultsDelegate is called from a background thread

Closed this issue · 1 comments

MaorS commented

General information

  • Library version: 7
  • OS version: 10.14.2
  • Devices/Simulators: iPhone 6S Plus
  • Reproducible in the demo project (Yes/No):
  • Any related issues:

What happened?

I'm using fetchedResultsController with private context because my project is using a-lot of media and display them as a gallery. ( when changing to main context the app freeze)

So i get warnings like " Main Thread Checker: UI API called on a background thread: -[UICollectionView performBatchUpdates:completion:]

screen shot 2019-02-01 at 18 00 16

Thanks @MaorS !

These delegate methods should be called on the main thread. Anything UI related in your app should be using a main thread ManagedObjectContext.

Can you explain more about the context in which you are using them and how they are getting called from a background thread? Can you provide the code snippets of the caller?