- 1
Expand `CellParentViewProtocol` API for dequeuing and registering cells, implement auto-registration?
#110 opened by jessesquires - 2
- 2
Combine CellConfig and SupplementaryViewConfig? (improve API for tables and collections with titled sections)
#105 opened by jessesquires - 1
Implement auto-updating "reactive-like" API
#111 opened by jessesquires - 3
Exclusive Access to Memory exception in TableEditingController / commitEditing closure
#113 opened by jessesquires - 7
Update CocoaPods
#118 opened by jessesquires - 0
Migrate to Swift 5
#117 opened by jessesquires - 2
- 1
- 0
Build carthage on travis-ci
#64 opened by jessesquires - 3
New danger rules to add
#122 opened by jessesquires - 5
Setup Danger
#107 opened by jessesquires - 1
Migrate to Swift 4.2, Xcode 10
#116 opened by jessesquires - 0
Update doc comments for new style
#102 opened by jessesquires - 0
Setup SwiftLint
#106 opened by jessesquires - 4
[Proposal] Remove `SectionInfoProtocol`
#103 opened by jessesquires - 1
Generics improvements
#96 opened by jessesquires - 4
- 7
- 1
- 3
[Breaking] Update on naming
#73 opened by jessesquires - 0
- 0
Add new Xcode9 file header comment plist
#99 opened by jessesquires - 0
[Docs] Add getting started guide
#89 opened by jessesquires - 10
Refine TableEditingController design
#80 opened by jessesquires - 4
Add docs for TableEditingController
#78 opened by jessesquires - 6
- 4
DataSource test coverage
#81 opened by jessesquires - 2
Update travis-ci [Xcode 8.2]
#88 opened by jessesquires - 15
- 1
- 0
- 0
Simpler gh-pages
#65 opened by jessesquires - 0
Update to Swift 3.0
#54 opened by jessesquires - 2
Update to Swift 2.3
#53 opened by jessesquires - 0
Build with Carthage fails
#61 opened by dcaunt - 1
- 5
- 0
- 0
Writes tests for #38, allow supplementary views for empty sections in collection view
#49 opened by jessesquires - 1
Unit tests for new APIs from #48
#55 opened by jessesquires - 1
Write docs for new APIs from #48
#52 opened by jessesquires - 1
Update for latest Swift API naming guidelines + major API changes and refinements
#48 opened by jessesquires - 0
Support Swift Package manager
#43 opened by jessesquires - 0
Update for Swift 2.2
#46 opened by jessesquires - 0
#44 opened by jessesquires - 1
Using in tandem with JSQMessagesViewController
#47 opened by david-hoze - 0
Setup new github templates
#45 opened by jessesquires - 3
Cannot convert value of type `[ CollectionViewSection<Int> ]` to expected argument type `[_]`
#42 opened by fatuhoku - 3
Declared closure result 'UICollectionViewCell' is incompatible with contextual type '_'
#41 opened by fatuhoku