
Create or update DOM elements by mapping query selectors to hypertext, plain text, attributes, classes, properties, other elements or lists.

Primary LanguageJavaScript



Create or update DOM elements by mapping query selectors to hypertext, plain text, attributes, classes, properties, other elements or lists.

This libary is based on substack's excellent hyperglue, it adds some additional mapping mechanisms and diff-based list support that integrates naturally with custom-elements.


Look ma, no virtual DOMs


import hb from 'hyperbind/index.js'

// compile html
var div = hb('<div>')
console.log(document.body.outerHTML) // => <body><div></div></body>

// hypertext
hb(div, {
  $html: '<h1>hi</h1>'
console.log(div.outerHTML) // => <div><h1>hi</h1></div>

// plain text
hb(div, {
  $text: 'cool'
// shorthand: hb(div, 'cool')
console.log(div.outerHTML) // => <div>cool</div>

// attributes
hb(div, {
  $attr: {
    'my-attr': 42 // or null to remove
console.log(div.outerHTML) // => <div my-attr="42"><h1>hi</h1></div>

// classes
hb(div, {
  $class: {
    'my-class': true // or falsy to remove
console.log(div.outerHTML) // => <div my-attr="42" class="my-class"><h1>hi</h1></div>

// properties
document.body.innerHTML = '<input value=initial>'
hb(document.body, {
  input: {
    $prop: {
      value: 'updated'
console.log(document.querySelector('input').value) // => updated

// elements
hb(document.body, document.createElement('ul'))
console.log(document.body.outerHTML) // => <body><ul></ul></body>
hb(document.body, { ul: null })
console.log(document.body.outerHTML) // => <body></body>

// lists of primitives
hb(document.body, {
  ul: {
    $list: {
      items: [
      empty: 'No items', // optional placeholder for when there are no items
      createElement: function () {
        return document.createElement('li')
console.log(document.body.outerHTML) // => <body><ul><li>foo</li><li>bar</li></ul></body>

// lists of objects
hb(document.body, {
  ul: {
    $list: {
      key: 'id',
      items: [
        { id: 0, data: 'foo' },
        { id: 1, data: 'bar' }
      empty: {
        $html: `<b>No items</b>` // empty option is a recursive hyperbind
      createElement: function (item, i) {
        var li = document.createElement('li')
        li.textContent = `item #${i}: ${item.data}`
        return li
console.log(document.body.outerHTML) // => <body><ul><li>item #0: foo</li><li>item #1: bar</li></ul></body>

// lists of objects (custom-element style)
document.body.innerHTML = ''
class Row extends HTMLElement {
  constructor (item, i) {
    this.textContent = item.data
customElements.define('x-row', Row)
hb(document.body, {
  $list: {
    key: 'id',
    items: [
      { id: 0, data: 'foo' },
      { id: 1, data: 'bar' }
    createElement: Row
console.log(document.body.outerHTML) // => <body><x-row>foo</x-row><x-row>bar</x-row></body>


$ npm run example


$ npm run test
