Something smells bad.
phpcs --standard=/path/to/this/repo/Behance/ruleset.xml path/to/files
Or if it's installed in your installation of phpcs, just run
phpcs --standard=Behance path/to/files
All changes need tests. Code Coverage must remain at 100%
cd /path/to/this/repo;
composer install;
vendor/bin/phpunit --coverage-html=coverage;
All PRs need two thumbs before merge. Use the big green button on Github to merge once passing.
All new sniffs must be voted on at a backend team meeting. Unexpected, non-controversial edge cases can be discussed in Slack.
We follow semver. For linters, that means:
- Patch: changes that fix false positives.
- Minor: changes that fix false negatives, new rules.
- Major: changes that require upgrading major versions of PHPCS itself.
Create a release on github at Ensure that you have the correct semver version number and an adequate title and description of the release.