This is a personal project with the following goals:
- practice ros2
- practice C++, especially rclcpp
- learn how to best integrate ros2 + behaviortreecpp
- Lynxmotion Tri-Track chassis with two 12V DC motors
- Robokits RKI-1004 Dual Motor Driver (up to 5A)
- 12.0V 2200mAh NiMh battery pack, for powering motors
- Raspberry pi 4
- HC-SR04 Ultrasonic distance sensor
- Skullcandy Stash Fuel 10000 mAh portable power bank (USB-C, 5V, 2.4A), for powering all electronics via RPi4
See docs for more images and hardware info.
See Iohannes blog post for a previous iteration of this robot.