
A Chef cookbook to install and configure the ElasticSearch search solution

Primary LanguageRuby


Installs elasticsearch the painless JSON over HTTP enabled search server, who is always available and built for the cloud.

Uses the stable release provided as tar.gz from github and the recommended java service-wrapper. The cookbook also provides the Plugin installation.




The Cookbooks is tested on following platforms:

  • Debian, Ubuntu
  • CentOS, Red Hat


The following Opscode cookbook is needed:

  • java

To install the dependency use the following commands:

gem install berkshelf

cd chef-repo

cat >> Berksfile <<EOF
site :opscode

cookbook 'java'

bundle install
berks install
berks upload

For more information visit Berkshelf's Website at http://berkshelf.com


Just include the elasticsearch cookbook in your runlist or server role with the following hash table:

  "run_list": [

This will install the java dependencie, the elasticsearch server and the declared plugins.



  • node['elasticsearch']['clustername'] - the name of the cluster if you want to separate them, default is "elasticsearch".
  • node['elasticsearch']['number_shards'] - set the active shards that are available, default is "5".
  • node['elasticsearch']['number_replicas'] - set the number of replicas that are available, default is "1".
  • node['elasticsearch']['mem_heap'] - set java heap size in megabyte , the default will calculate 2/3 of available system memory.
  • node['elasticsearch']['mem_mlock'] - set mlockall to lock all available heap memory, default is "true".


For preinstalled elasticsearch plugins just add it in the following way:

  • node['elasticsearch']['plugins'] - provide a comma separated list including github and projekt name, like the following defaults "lukas-vlcek/bigdesk, Aconex/elasticsearch-head"

You can also use the link to install a plugin:

sudo elasticsearch-plugins -install elasticsearch/elasticsearch-river-couchdb

For more infromation on elasticsearch plugins go to:


You can access the the pre installed plugins by the following url:




Simply include the recipe where you want elasticsearch installed.

ToDos and Issues

Have a lock at the github issues section. There's still some work to do, patches are welcome.

License and Author

Author: Sebastian Wendel, (packages@sourceindex.de)

Copyright: 2013, SourceIndex IT-Serives

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at


Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.

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