
COVID calculator

Primary LanguagePython

COVID Calculator

Team 5 Code First Girls

Maysa, Louise, Emily, and Jess K



The COVID calculator is an application that allows users to put in location information and returns data about COVID rates using an API and database. The COVID calculator gives the user simple advice to follow to reduce their risk of catching COVID based on risk. Also, it compares local rates to nationwide rates to give users some context to their local rate.

How to use

  1. Create database by running SQL file
  2. Download source code
  3. Run "main.py" from source code
  4. Create an account or sign-in
  5. Choose an area type and an area name: list of areas
  6. Find out how likely you are to get COVID

How to use (web-application)

Go to the frontend branch in the team-5 repo.

git checkout frontend
  1. Export environment variables to shell in terminal
export RUN_ENV=WEB
export WEB_PASSWORD = "insert sql password here"
  1. Run Backend
cd /src

uvicorn main_server:app
  1. Run Frontend
cd /src/js/covid-calc

npm start

File descriptions

File Description
main.py Runs the program
API.py Connects to the API and fetches COVID rate info
predict.py Predicts what area name user desires
dbconfig.py Holds SQL login details
dbconnection.py Connects to SQL database
dbutils.py Modifies population and account info in SQL database
hashing.py Hashes passwords
Population.py Allows user to access population database info
login.py Allows user to login/create account
area_advice.py Gives user government advice for their nation
save_search.py Saves location and risk from previous search
yes_no_input.py Returns True for "y" and False for "n"
main_server Runs web server

Unit tests

To run unit tests in PyCharm please follow these steps:

  1. In PyCharm right click on Source_code --> Mark Directory as --> Sources Root
  2. In PyCharm right click on Unit_tests --> Mark Directory as --> Test Sources Root
  3. Right click on Unit_tests --> Run