
Experimental offline-first webapp used to create reminders that will appear as web notifications.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Remind Me

Experimental offline-first Progressive Web App which will allow you to send your future self quick reminders. Add your text, select when you'd like to be reminded, and your reminder will pop up as a notification on your device at that time.

Major libraries

Browser requirements

see https://jakearchibald.github.io/isserviceworkerready/


  1. clone or fork this project
  2. run npm install
  3. run npm run develop which will start Webpack in watch mode, and will also start up a server at http://localhost:5555/ note: HTTPS is a PWA requirement, except when developing locally

webpack-dev-server + workbox-sw were not playing nicely together, which is why http-server is being used in that task for now.

Code style


Sass/SCSS. Autoprefixer is in the build pipeline, so there is no need to use vendor prefixes.


More or less follows Airbnb's style guide. See .eslintrc for details.

ESLint plugins:


  • http => https redirect
  • waiting/confirmation state after sw receives message
  • add "snooze" functionality to notifications
  • app banner install
  • revisit WDS+workbox
  • test all the things