
drupal install profile for portal.excellentschoolsdetroit.org

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portal.excellentschoolsdetroit.org install profile

Use this Drupal Install Profile to build portal.excellentschoolsdetroit.org.


This install profile builds a Drupal 7 website that provides Excellent Schools Detroit with data warehousing for its staff and constituents, as well as a publicly accessible data API.


drush make --working-copy https://raw.githubusercontent.com/esdet/esdportal_profile/master/notplatform.make DEST_DIR
mysql -uroot -e 'create database portal_dev'
drush site-install esdportal_profile  --account-name=admin --account-pass=admin --db-url=mysql://root@localhost/portal_dev --yes
(cd profiles/esdportal_profile/themes/esd/; compass compile)
drush cc all
drush runserver --server=builtin 8080


Acceptance tests for this project are implemented with Behat and use Mink for browser interactions.

Test environment

To run the acceptance tests, you'll need to install a few libraries and PHP packages.

Install the PHP curl extension. On Ubuntu, this looks like:

sudo apt-get install curl libcurl3 libcurl3-dev php5-curl

Change directory to the tests subdirectory of this project:


Install Composer:

curl -s https://getcomposer.org/installer | php

Install testing dependencies using Composer:

php composer.phar install

While Mink supports a number of different browser drivers, Drupal Behat Extension, which provides some batteries for using Behat with a Drupal site, requires the Selenium2 driver. We use the PhantomJS because it has a WebDriver interface compatible with the Selenium2 driver, it's fast, and it's headless, allowing us to run tests on external machines or in a CI environment like Travis.

Install PhantomJS. You can download and unpack manually from http://phantomjs.org/download.html, or use npm.

npm install -g phantomjs

Running tests

Run the PhantomJS WebDriver

phantomjs --webdriver=8643 &

Run Behat

./bin/behat features/

Migrating from the old portal

The install profile will download the migrate_esdportal module, which includes a preconfigured migrate routine for school taxonomy terms via CSV. Enable this module so you can run the Schools data import.

To set up the Schools migrate importer source, place the schools CSV file somewhere reachable by your PHP webserver process, and modify this line with the correct path.

To set up the d2d migrate importer source, create a new database in the MySQL server and dump in an export of the live portal db.

The migrate_d2d imports for user and school_profile nodes need to be manually configured at admin/content/migrate/new/migrated2dwizard.

After setting up the sources for schools terms CSV and the migrate_d2d database and field mappings, run the imports like this:

drush mreg
drush mi Schools
drush mi --group=ExcellentSchoolsDetroitPortal # name of the d2d group

When the import is complete, use views_bulk_operations to run the following PHP snippets on all school_profile nodes:

$query = db_select('taxonomy_term_data', 't');
$query->condition('name', $entity->title, '=');
$school_tid = $query->execute()->fetchField();
$entity->field_school['und'][0]['tid'] = $school_tid;

For data sources, see this Work Dept internal issue.


  • Benjamin Chodoroff, @bnchdrff
  • Geoff Hing, @ghing


Copyright 2013, Benjamin Chodoroff. This software is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License.