Movie Game by @jessicamosouza

A game where the player gets to guess the movie name given the number of letters in it. Pretty much like hangman but with movies.

The rules are simple, the computer randomly picks a movie title, and shows you how many letters it's made up of. The goal is to try to figure out the movie by guessing one letter at a time.

If a letter is indeed in the title the computer will reveal its correct position in the word, if not, you lose a point. If you lose 10 points, game over!

BUT the more correct letters you guess the more obvious the movie becomes and at a certain point you should be able to figure it out.

The program will randomly pick a movie title from a text file that contains a large list of movies.

Once the computer picks a random title, it will display underscores "_" in place of the real letters, thereby only giving away the number of letters in the movie title.