
A simple Node/React app for interacting with The Movie Database API

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Movie Database 🎬

A searchable database for movies!

Getting Started 👩‍💻

  1. Run npm install in root directory in your terminal to install node dependencies.
  2. Run npm install in /client directory to install clientside dependencies.
  3. Make sure you have an .env file in your root directory with the API key and URLS (provided upon request!)
  4. Run node server.js in the root directory to get the Node server running.
  5. Open another tab/window in your terminal, navigate into the /client directory again, and run npm start
  6. Naviage to localhost:3000 in your browser if you're not redirected automatically.

That's it!

This (mostly) responsive app has the functionality to:

  • view popular movies
  • search movies
  • view movies in a specific genre
  • view movie details
  • view movies similar to one that you've selected


  • Fallback images for movies that don't have a poster
  • Move frontend API logic into a /utils folder or something
  • Handle budget for Netflix movies
  • Tests!