
Primary LanguageJavaScript

MMedium's Mini-Medium

We are building a simple blog posting web application that allows users to log into their account and input new blogs posts that can be viewed in a newsfeed of most recents posts.

Installation Instructions

  • Clone this repository
  • Run npm install
  • Create a config.env file
  • Add a DATABASE_URL variable with a link to a local PSQL database on your computer.
  • Add a COOKIE_PASSWORD variable of at least 32 random characters (this is used to encrypt cookies from the server).

User Stories

As a user, I want to be able to:

  • Post new blog posts
  • Log into my account with a password
  • Attach my author name to the posts I write, and view the authors of others
  • Browse a feed of the most recent posts
  • Attach an image to my posts


  • Be able to submit new blog posts
  • Create a newsfeed of blog posts, showing image, title, date and time posted, and author
  • Order newsfeed by most recent
  • Click on each item on newsfeed to open the post in a new page
  • Include login page
  • Include home page button that directs to newsfeed
  • BEM

Stretch Goals

  • Loading Scroll
  • Authentication
  • Add user image to profile
  • Author link for each post goes to GitHub
  • Display avatar of logged in user in top right
  • Search feature
  • Markdown capabilities for blog posts
  • Markdown preview


We mapped out the following wireframes for our site, that included three different pages:



Submit new post


View Post



Schema Diagrams

We used the following schema for the database:


Column Type Modifiers
id integer not null default
username character varying(100) not null
password character varying(100) not null
avatar_url character varying(100) not null


Column Type Modifiers
id integer not null default
user_id integer not null
title character varying(100) not null
body_text character varying(2000) not null
image_url character varying(100) not null


  • We made our wireframes using this website: moqup.com

  • Setting up a test database:

  1. Open Postgres elephant app
  2. run psql in the terminal
  3. create a test database: CREATE DATABASE testDatabaseName
  4. run \c testDatabaseName
  5. run \i ./database_build/db_build.sql or the path to your sql filter
  6. Create a config-test.env and add the test DATABASE_URL to this file (don't forget to add this file to .gitignore)
  7. set environmental variable to test, under scripts in package.json add the following: "pretest": "ENV=testing node database_build/db_build.js", "test": "tape tests/tests.js | tap-spec",
  8. Add the following to db_connect.js:
const environment = require('env2');

if (process.env.ENV === 'testing') {
} else {