
Deploy a very rudimentary web application using AWS services.

Workshop: Simple Webapp on AWS

In this workshop, you'll deploy a very rudimentary web application, and we'll walk through the steps that you most probably will take yourself when building a real-life webapp on the AWS cloud. In the process, we'll go through some of the core ideas when working with AWS and the cloud, as well as some of the core services available to you on AWS.

The services we'll use in this workshop include (but are not limited to):

See the diagram below for the completed architecture.



AWS account

In order to complete this workshop, you'll need an AWS account, and have login credentials that have access to the services listed above.

  • If you're going through a classroom workshop, your facilitator may already have credentials for you to use. Consult with them to confirm.

  • If you need an AWS account of your own, you can create an AWS account here.

All of the resources you will launch as part of this workshop are eligible for the AWS free tier if your account is less than 12 months old. More information here.


You will need a machine that can SSH into a remote machine.

  • If you're on a Linux machine, you most probably already have an SSH client ready.
  • If you're on a Mac OSX machine, you most probably already have an SSH client read.
  • If you're on Windows:
    • On Windows 10 v1709+: you can enable the feature OpenSSH Client (Beta) on your machine.
    • On other versions: installing something like Git Bash gives you SSH as well.


This workshop will use Node.js as a language medium, so it will be handy if you already know Javascript.


This workshop will use Git as a platform medium, so it will be handy if you already know Git.


This workshop is broken up into multiple modules. You must complete each module before proceeding to the next.

  1. Deploy a Node.js webapp on EC2
  2. Augment your webapp with load-balancing
  3. Improve scalability with auto-scaling
  4. Using S3 to store file uploads
  5. Improve security with IAM Roles