
Studies about Software Architeture in React - basics of server-side rendering, state management and code splitting

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Studies about Software Architeture in React - basics of server-side rendering, state management and code splitting

Server Side Rendering

When your server is the one that renders your React code to HTML instead of the user's browser. Server-side rendering (SSR) is a method of loading your website’s JavaScript on your own server, rather than putting the burden on the user agent, making the content fast and easily accessible when requested. When human users or search engine web crawlers like Googlebot request a page, the content reads as a static HTML page.

It optimizes web pages for social media includes a preview of the page when someone share in twitter, for example. SSR pages have a much faster load time and a much faster first contentful paint - less time your user has to look at a loading screen. Google gives preferential search rankings to the sites that load the fastest. Faster load times improve user metrics such as session duration and bounce rate; Google algorithms look at these metrics and give you an extra SEO boost.

Runs Javascript bundle, loads data, creates HTML document, sends to client side.


Websites that use JavaScript frameworks need universal libraries to enable SSR; Angular requires Angular Universal, React and Vue need Next.JS. The burden of rendering your JavaScript content on your own servers, which will increase server maintenance costs. SSR pages will have a higher TTFB latency and a slower time-to-interactive. Your user will see the content sooner, but if they click on something, nothing will happen.


TTFB (time to first byte) is an external measurement of how long it takes from the initial request to the client receiving the first byte of response data. Render time and TTFB are critical because they determine how long it takes to display content to users, and for SEO crawlers like Googlebot or Bingbot slow TTFB can impact your ranking in search results.


Returns a reference to the component after rendering a React element into the DOM in the provided container (or return null for stateless components)


Is the same as render() but is use to hydrate a container whose HTML contents were rendered by ReactDOMServer. React will attempt to attach event listeners to the existing markup.
React Hydratation is a technique used that is similiar to rendering, but instead of having an empty DOM to render all of our react components into, we have a DOM that has already been built, with all our components rendered as HTML.
This improves SEO and decreases the initial load time.


When whe working with SSR, remember: when SSR is being rendered, the code that they're executing its not in the browser.
When the app becomes very heavy (not by the content, but by functionalities), SSR may make your loading times even longer.

Isomorphic Archteture

Isomorphic architecture is a strategy that allows running the same unique application both on the client and on the server.


run server: npx babel-node server.js


A Deep Dive into Server-Side Rendering (SSR) in JavaScript
Improving Render Time and TTFB with server-rendered Angular
Understanding Hydratation in React applications (SSR)