
Notes on creating and submitting learning resources


Creating Resources

A short guide for educators and trainers intending to create learning material on GitHub for their own use, for consideration on the Raspberry Pi website, or both.

Before creating or submitting a resource, it is important to know what you're aiming to achieve, who the resource is for, how the information is presented, to what extent you would like to share the materials, and whether you would mind others adapting it to suit their own purpose.

Teach, Learn or Make

It is important to know what type of resource you're creating. On the Raspberry Pi website, our resources fall in to one of three categories: Teach, Learn, and Make.


Teach resources are schemes of work matching the English Computing curriculum, with features such as a programme of study, lesson plans, learning objectives, and learning outcomes.


Learn resources are materials which work well as a one-off lesson, workshop, or as an individual exercise.


Make resources are materials which involve building or creating something physical, and usually involve hardware or creating multimedia.


GitHub is a software projects hosting service; it's a kind of social networking site for code projects. It uses version-control software Git to manage changes in projects, and allows collaboration over the web.

See our GitHub Guide to learn how to use GitHub to write and contribute to resources.


Markdown is a plain-text formatting syntax. It's very simple, and it maintains its readability while offering a range of formatting options. Our documentation and educational resources are written in Markdown, and we encourage others to use it for any resources they write themselves and submit to us.

See our Markdown Guide to learn how to write materials in this way.

See our Style Guide to learn about our preferred methods of formatting Markdown.


There is a format to the repository of a Raspberry Pi resource. Some resources are larger projects than others, and require more structure and organisation to the contents.

See our Resource Structure Guide to learn how to organise the files and folders in your repository.


At the Raspberry Pi Foundation, we want to maximise the potential reach and application of all the resources we create, so all our own materials are released under a Creative Commons licence.

Read our Licensing Guide to learn about Creative Commons and how to select a licence for your resource.


If you intend to write a Raspberry Pi learning resource to share with the community, we recommend you follow our guidelines and submit to us to review and potentially include it on the website.

Once you have your resource ready to submit, email the URL of the GitHub repository to contributions@raspberrypi.org.

Alternatively, if you have resources prepared in another format we can use (Word document or text file - not PDF), you can send these to the same email address. Note that such submissions will take longer to process.

We retain the right not to use contributions.


If we decide you to include your resource on our website, we will fork the project into the raspberrypilearning GitHub organisation. We may make amendments to this copy, and yours will be left as it was, with the option of merging our changes into your original copy.

At the time of writing there is currently no named attribution on our Resources page, but the name of the author is given on the project's front page. We intend to better highlight author and contributor names on the website in near future.


Feel free to speak to us about resources, GitHub, licences and so on; we'll try to help with any queries.


Please let us know how you use GitHub in Education, how you use our resources, or how you feel we could improve our methods.


Raspberry Pi



Unless otherwise specified, everything in this repository is covered by the following licence:

Creative Commons License

Creating Resources by the Raspberry Pi Foundation is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International Licence.

Based on a work at https://github.com/raspberrypilearning/creating-resources