
Micro framework to help you writting simple SVN hooks in PHP

Primary LanguagePHP


This micro projet allow you to easily write SVN pre_commit hook in PHP.


 * Just deploy this project to your server.
 * Copy the pre_commit.tmpl to the repository of your choice, rename it to pre_commit
 * Edit and adapt the pre_commmit script to match the project directory

Create your own hook

 * Add a new file XXXCheck.class.php in the checks directory
 * Extend the class BasePreCommitCheck
 * Override the mandatory methods:
   *  getTitle();
   *  renderErrorSummary();
 * Override the methods of your choice, according to what you wanna test:
   * checkSvnComment($comment);
   * checkFileLine($file, $pos, $content);
   * checkFullFile($lines, $filename)


As it's can be panful to process a commit each time you wanna test, there is test suite avaliable based on lime.
Just go to the root folder and run
    php test/run_all.php

To run a specific check test, call directly the test file, for exemple:
    php test/checks/NoTabCheckTest.php
To write your own test, just copy and paste and existing test file, and adapt it!

How to contribute

If you want to contribute please fell to fork or to send your comment. I will be happy to complete this repo according to your needs...