This is project contains 3 application and 3 games designed keeping in
mind search algorithms, genetic algorithms and machine learning algorithm
implemented in C, C++, Java, and OOP.It also involved dealing with finite 
and game state machines. 

Fundamentals of AI - Understanding the ordering of basic tree traversal 
algorithms, including depth-first pre-order, depth-first post-order, and
breadth-first traversals. In this project, I have implemented linked data
structures for the purpose of queueing elements in an AI system. Then I
proceeded with sequence and selector behaviors as part of a tree model for
agent behavior in an AI system. And finally designed general tree 
functionality in specialized, custom built tree data structures.

Path Planning - It involved building a GUI for implementing different
search algorithms and conducting a test based on which one is faster 
and efficient in cost in terms of how it reaches the end goal.

Flocking - It involved building an API that shows steering behavior
in form of flock of birds developing 3 algorithms - Separation, Alignment 
and Cohesion. 

Reversi - This project was focused on implementing MinMax Algorithm for an 
agent built to play the game Reversi(Othello).

MsPacMan - Designing an smart AI for ms. pac man involving A* and 
finite state machine.

Robocode - It was an tournament held at Fullsail University giving an
opportunity to the student to develop AI strategy for a real agent. The
scores were based on survival, inflicted damage, and elimination.