
Working with modules, events, components, styling content in CSS and two-way binding in AngularJS 2.

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Artist Directory – AngularJS2 Entity Framework, Firebase Data Storage

AngularJS 2 provides advanced features for building single-page applications: declarative templates, two-way data binding, Typescript support, and dependency injection. And instead of the controllers typical of MVC architecture, AngularJS 2 now offers components. It's a great update, suitable for mobile and web developers alike.

Learning Objective -

In this tech demo, I have gained advanced understanding of making an application from scratch in AngularJS 2 working with modules, events, styling content with CSS, and creating components and subcomponents and also how to change content dynamically using data pipes.

Installation Instruction -

  1. Make sure you have these installed
  2. Clone this repository into your local machine using the terminal (mac) or Gitbash (PC) > git clone https://github.com/planetoftheweb/angular2.git
  3. CD to the folder cd angular2
  4. Run > npm-install to install the project dependencies
  5. Install gulp.js via the Mac terminal or Gitbash on a PC > npm install -g gulp
  6. Run the Gulp command > gulp
  7. Fire up your browser at http://localhost:8080