
Tweet Cloud with ReactJS and Node/Express

Primary LanguageJavaScript

ERN Stack Twitter Word Cloud

Twitter API with ReactJS and Node/Express

Node v. 8.4

Setup Instructions

Before attempting to run this app, please visit the Twitter Developer Docs to create or retrieve your own personal access tokens, which will be needed to authenticate usage of the twitter API.

Once you have your credentials:

$ git clone https://github.com/jesskrich/word_cloud/
$ cd server
$ npm install

In the folder, /routes, open cloud.js, and enter your Twitter Developer credentials into the following code block:

const twit = require('twitter'),
  twitter = new twit({
    consumer_key: '~',
    consumer_secret: '~',
    access_token_key: '~',
    access_token_secret: '~'

Now cd into the /client folder and run install client-side dependencies:

npm install

Running Instructions

From the root of the /server folder, run:

$ PORT=3001 npm start

If you decide to change the port number you use for the server, you must also change it in the /client folder under package.json by editing the proxy.

"proxy": "http://localhost:3001"

Back in the command line, open a new terminal, and from the root of the client folder, run:

npm start

Open your browser and visit localhost:3000