
menu application with CRUD functionality created with sqlalchemy, python and flask

Primary LanguagePython


Interactive Restaurant WebApp, where the user has a landing page of menus. The user is then able to update, delete, or add more menus to the Restaurant WebApp.
Database used was SQLALchemy, (https://www.sqlalchemy.org/).

Database Design:

    1. The Database has two tables:
    1. Table 1: Restaurant: which includes name of restaurant and id column (primary_key)
    1. Table 2: Menuitem: which includes name, description, price, course (entree, appetizer, dessert), id (primary_key), restaurant_id (ForeignKey), restaurant


  • flask-sqlalchemy
  • python 3.7
  • flask
  • virtualenv
  • httplib2
  • requests
  • oauth2client


  1. Create a VM; here are the steps Creating_A_VM
  2. Run the virtual environment
  3. Clone the project https://github.com/jesspencer/good-grub.git
  4. cd good-Grub
  5. Start the flask application that will allow the menu to show in your browser, with python finalproject.py
  6. Open the WebApp by pasting the following into your browser: http://localhost:5000/restaurant/

Adding different menus

If you would like to replace the menus in this project with ones of your own Do It!

  1. Delete the restaurantmenu.db file that you have cloned.
  2. Create restaurantmenu.db, with python database_setup.py
  3. Open the lotsofmenus.py file in your text editor and replace the restaurant names, menu item names, and save file.
  4. Put some menus into the empty restaurant database, with python lotsofmenus.py

The application will list if any all the restaurants in your database and the following options:

  • create a new restaurant
  • see the menu
  • edit/delete the restaurant
  • edit/delete the menu item
  • Interacting with these options will update the database.


Have a bug or a feature request? Please open an issue.


This Restaurant-Menu-WebApp documentation included in this repo in the root directory is built with Python virtual database server, Flask web framework, and SQLAlchemy. The docs may also be run locally in your Linux database server, or Linux version 2.7.9.


Jessica Spencer

  • github.com/jesspencer
  • twitter.com/js13142
  • linkedin.com/in/spenje/