
This SPA is a clone of the Quizlet website: a place to create and study flashcards.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


About the project

This SPA is a clone of the Quizlet website: a place to create and study flashcards.

1. Front-End

1.1 User Features

  • Users can create a set of flashcards
  • Users can search for flashcards made by other users
  • Users can add sets of flashcards made by other users to their list of sets
  • Users can remove sets of flashcards from their list of sets
  • Users can study flashcards by flipping through them
  • Users can study flashcards in a matching game

1.2 Technologies

  • React
  • Redux
  • React Router

2. Back-End

2.1 Technologies

  • PostgreSQL
  • Node.js
    • Express
    • Massive
    • Passport
    • Auth0

3. Screenshots