
A clone of Streaks: a habit forming app. The user can pick up to 6 habits to track progress of. As the user checks in every day, their streak increases. If the user misses a day, their streak resets back to zero.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


About the project

This SPA is a clone of the Streaks app: a place to track your progress on forming good habits. The user can pick up to 6 habits to track progress of. As the user checks in every day, their streak increases. If the user misses a day, their streak resets back to zero.

  • [Live site: Coming Soon!]

1. Front-End

1.1 User Features

  • User can add up to 6 habits to track
  • User can remove habits from their list of habits
  • User can click on the habit to confirm its completion
  • Users can see their current streak and longest streak for each habit
  • Users can see detailed statistics for each habit (average check ins, total check ins, check ins by day, check ins by time, and check ins over time)

1.2 Technologies

2. Back-End

2.1 Technologies

  • PostgreSQL
  • Node.js
    • Express
    • Massive

3. Screenshots

  • [Home - Mobile]
  • [Settings - Mobile]
  • [Habit Detail - Mobile]
  • [Add Habit - Mobile]