Goals for this project

  • Get experience with SQL and querying a relational database.

  • Get experience using sqlite3 to query a sqlite database from within a Python script.

Dependencies and installation

  1. If you don't already have it, please install SQLite:

Precompiled SQLite binaries for all platforms can be found at: http://www.sqlite.org/download.html

  1. Test database access

jeopardy.db is a sqlite database containing many years of actual Jeopardy data! Check that you can interact with this database by running:

sqlite3 jeopardy.db

You should see a sqlite> prompt.

  1. SQLite basics ================

a) Start SQLite by running "sqlite3 jeopardy.db". Then look at the schema for the category and clue tables in the database:

sqlite> .table category clue sqlite> .schema category CREATE TABLE "category" ( id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, name VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, game INTEGER NOT NULL, boardPosition INTEGER ); sqlite> .schema clue CREATE TABLE "clue" ( id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, text VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, category_id INTEGER NOT NULL, value INTEGER NOT NULL, answer VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, round INTEGER );

b) What is a schema? What kinds of data types are represented in these tables?

c) Make some simple SELECT queries from the sqlite prompt:

SELECT * FROM category; SELECT NAME FROM category; SELECT * FROM clue; SELECT text, answer, value FROM clue; SELECT text, answer, value FROM clue LIMIT 10;

  1. jeopardy_categories.py =========================

a) Examine jeopardy_categories.py and then run the script.

b) Go back to the script and carefully examine the steps for retrieving data from a database in Python:

  • setting up the database connection
  • forming and executing a query
  • retrieving and printing the results

c). Modify the code to print both the category and game number.

  1. jeopardy_clues.py ====================

a) Examine jeopardy_clues.py and then run the script.

b) Modify the code to only print clues with an $800 value.

  1. Daily doubles ================

Write a script that prints 10 daily doubles and their responses. The clue table has an isDD field.

  1. Category clues =================

Write a script that randomly chooses a category and prints clues from that category.

Hint: SQL supports an "ORDER BY RANDOM()" clause that will return rows in a random order. For example, to randomly pick 1 category id you could use:


  1. Game categories ==================

Write a script to randomly choose a game number (the category table has a game field) and print the categories from that game.

  1. Most common categories =========================

Read about GROUP BY and ORDER BY clauses and write a script using them to print the 20 most common categories.

An example of using GROUP BY and ORDER BY to produce an ordered list of counts on a generic foo field is:

SELECT foo, COUNT(foo) AS count FROM my_table GROUP BY foo ORDER BY count