
Download version to use for practice to help with donut maker assignment

Primary LanguageHTML

The objective of this assignment is to ensure that you understand OOP in JS and can apply changes to the DOM.

As a user I want the Go Fast button to serve as an accelerator and the Stop button to slow the car down. All car fields should be exposed to the user and updated for the user to stay informed of their current speed.

If the car acceleratess past a certain threshold the Check Engine Light must come on.

Stretch Tasks:

  1. implement friction (have the car slow down on an interval)
  2. implement dashboard styles (practice your CSS - look into javascript clocks for styling an odemeter)
  3. add isRunning and possibly a Turn On feature to car
  4. add mileage when the car is running based on the speed and time
  5. implement cruise control that stops the effect of friction