Digital Format Conversion Tools
Convert from DOCX or HTML to EPUB, Kindle, and PDF in PHP
Digital Format Conversion tools enable conversion from Microsoft Word (2007+) DOCX format or HTML to EPUB, Kindle and PDF in PHP.
The EPub Controller/Model examples are the most complete in this application, including basic content cleansing and setting of options specific to the EPub conversion library.
The tools are constructed from a range of Open Source elements, including:
- EPub PHP class (
- phpMobi (
- mPDF (
- Twitter Bootstrap (
- A copy of the source code for these elements are available in /library
I have developed this package to demonstrate, in a simple way, the conversion tools seen in
Application Structure
This simple application uses a basic MVC architecture. Models/Views/Controllers are found in the /application directory.
There are 4 models and 3 controllers. 3 of the models and the controllers contain the code to convert from DOCX to EPub, MOBI, and PDF.
The final model (TransformModel) contains common methods to extract HTML from a Word DOCX Document.
How It Works
The conversion process works thus:
- If a Word Document is specified as input: PHPDOCX is used to unzip and extract XML from the DOCX file
- If a Word Document is specified as input: PHPDOCX applies XSLT to the XML, which ultimately produces valid HTML
- If HTML is specified as input: The HTML is passed 'as-is' to the following stage
- At this stage, a DOMParser, third-party CSS parsers, or custom CSS, can be utilised to customise the HTML. I have opted to leave these features out to keep the code as generic as possible.
- The final HTML and other arguments (author, publisher etc) are passed to the range of conversion tools dependent on the scenario: EPub, phpMobi, and mPDF
N.B. The demonstration manuscript is stored in /application/example
- Update documentation to reflect 9 May 2012 changes onwards
- Detailed testing of HTML to formats - PDF tested (basic elements only) 15 May 2012