These are the downloadable code examples for my book, Programming iOS 6. The full text of the book itself is available here:
(The downloadable code and screenshots for the previous edition, Programming iOS 5: Fundamentals of iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch Development, published by O'Reilly in March 2012, have been moved off to the subfolder iOS5bookExamples.)
Changes from the iOS 5 examples to the iOS 6 examples include:
Use new literals and subscripting for arrays, dictionaries, numbers.
Use autosynthesis of properties.
Move protocol adoption declarations to implementation file where possible.
Use constraints (instead of frame) to position and size subviews, whenever this is relational (and doesn't get in the way of the example).
Illustrate some newly available CIFilters.
Illustrate new UIView/UIGestureRecognizer interaction.
Illustrate new rotation rules, including new structure of launch-into-rotation.
For table views, use exclusively new register-and-dequeue architecture.
New examples include:
Further illustrate use of constraints (ch 14), esp. in company with animation (ch 17).
Show gesture recognizers in nib (ch 18).
Show new rotation/orientation rules (ch 19).
Show new state save-and-restore (ch 19).
Show new storyboard features: container controller, Exit (unwind).
Show collection views.
Show basic Core Data usage (ch 36).
Other new iOS 6 features as they arise.
This list is not exhaustive by any means. If you really want to know everything that I've changed, clone to your computer and do a diff against commit 25644891 (that's when I started this round of revision).
Matt Neuburg