Sweet Tooth

LINK 👉🏼 🧁 [SWEET TOOTH is currently unavailable] 🧁

Background & Description

Welcome to SWEET TOOTH!
Do you have a sweet tooth? If yes, we're here to help you keep track of all your favorite desserts and recipes you may find online. You can also create a list of locations - or 'sweet spots' - where you can find your listed dessert. Feel free to include all kinds of desserts, ranging from baked goods to frozen treats. Enjoy! 🍦

Sweet Tooth was built as my final project at General Assembly. The full-stack reference application was required to be built using Django, PostgreSQL, Python and functionally perform CRUD operations.

As a lover of desserts, with an interest in baking, I chose to build this application for those of similar interests who may want to keep track of their favorite dessert places and recipes.

Screenshots of the App 📸

Sweet Tooth Logo Dessert Index Page Dessert Details Page Dessert Recipes and Sweet Spots Sweet Spots Index Page

Technology Used

  • CSS
  • Django
  • Docker
  • Git/GitHub
  • HTML
  • PostgreSQL
  • Python


Icebox Items 🧊

  • Provide the option to remove a 'sweet spot' from a dessert details page
  • Create a community among users who may want to view others' favorite desserts/recipes/locations
  • Allow users to comment and give feedback on 'sweet spot' locations
  • Provide the option for users to upload their own images when a dessert is added