Movie App

A Kotlin-based Android application utilizing Jetpack Compose, Retrofit, and Coroutines to fetch and display movie data from The Movie Database (TMDb) API. This app features a clean and user-friendly interface, including a movie list screen with search functionality and detailed views for individual movies. Features

Movie List Screen: Displays a grid of trending movies with a search bar to filter results. Includes smooth animations for item visibility.
Movie Detail Screen: Shows detailed information about a selected movie, including its poster, title, and overview. Includes a back button for navigation.
Search Functionality: Allows users to search for movies by title, with a customizable search field appearance.
Responsive UI: Utilizes Jetpack Compose for a modern and responsive user interface with rounded corners and image scaling.

Tech Stack

Kotlin: Programming language for Android development.
Jetpack Compose: Modern UI toolkit for building native Android UI.
Retrofit: Type-safe HTTP client for Android and Java to interact with TMDb API.
Coroutines: For asynchronous programming and handling background tasks.
TMDb API: Provides movie data, including trending movies and details.


Movie List Screen

Movie Detail Screen
