
Bitcoin Lightning LN-URL for phoenixd

Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

LNURL for phoenixd ⚡️

🚧 NOTE This is new software, loss of funds and other mishaps are likely 🚧

A simple wrapper for ACINQ/phoenixd that supports basic LNURL so you can self-host your lightning address with near-minimum effort 💯.

Supports one user with a human-readable LNURL like lightning:satoshi@gmx.com, as well as LNURL LUD-06 (the long Bech encoded lightning:LNURL1blahblah kind) and a snazzy tip webpage at /lnurl:

Tip page screenshots (web and phone)

The idea is that you can run your own phoenixd instance and use it to receive Lightning tips, Zaps on Nostr and more-generally small usually un-requested payments. This is intended for a single person to use, because they like self-hosting and owning their own stuff.

If you're looking for something more complex, like an eCommerce Lightning solution, this is almost certainly going to be too simple for you; check out LNBits or BTCPay Server and other things like those. Note that LNBits will support phoenixd soon™️.


Developed against phoenixd version 0.1.3-d805f81; also note that phoenixd is also new software and future releases may break things.

Currently tested on MacOS and Linux; YMMV on other UNIXes, and on Windows.

Supported LNURL LUDs:

  • LUD-01: Base LNURL encoding and decoding
  • LUD-06: payRequest base spec.
  • LUD-16: Paying to static internet identifiers (email-like addresses).


Note: Docker can be used to run this instead

If you haven't got it already, install phoenixd so you have phoenixd and phoenix-cli in your path.

See .tool-versions for the currently used version of Python. We're also using pip-tools to manage dependencies.

# Strongly recommend you create a python environment first:
python -m venv env
. env/bin/activate

# manually install pip-tools:
pip install pip-tools

# then sync the dependencies:


Using this example ~/.phoenix/phoenix.conf for demonstration purposes:


For production use, you can just install and run phoenixd for the first time; it will create ~/.phoenix with sane defaults and an auto-generated http password.

You'll then need to configure phoenixd-lnurl itself. Copy phoenixd-lnurl.env.example to phoenixd-lnurl.env and edit it with the values you want; info on each option is given in the template.


  1. PHOENIXD_URL needs to set so that this app can talk to your phoenixd.
    • Note that the http-password from phoenixd's config has to be in this URL
  2. LNURL_HOSTNAME must be the public domain you're serving from. You need to have HTTPS set up for LNURL to work.

Finally, you're ready to go!

# start the phoenixd-lnurl server:

Example Nginx config

This Nginx config snippet will pass only the paths phoenixd-lnurl needs to work to the application:

server {
    # ...

    location /lnurl {
        proxy_pass http://localhost:8000;
        proxy_http_version 1.1;
        proxy_set_header Upgrade $http_upgrade;
        proxy_set_header Connection "Upgrade";
        proxy_set_header Host $host;
    location /lnurlp {
        proxy_pass http://localhost:8000;
        proxy_http_version 1.1;
        proxy_set_header Upgrade $http_upgrade;
        proxy_set_header Connection "Upgrade";
        proxy_set_header Host $host;
    location /.well-known/lnurlp {
        proxy_pass http://localhost:8000;
        proxy_http_version 1.1;
        proxy_set_header Upgrade $http_upgrade;
        proxy_set_header Connection "Upgrade";
        proxy_set_header Host $host;

    # ...

(May also hit selinux, try setsebool -P httpd_can_network_connect true)

Example SystemD Unit

Note this assumes you have installed to /var/www/phoenixd-lnurl. You will also need to change User and Group.





(Follow the Setup steps to configure phoenixd-lnurl first)

docker build . -t phoenixd-lnurl

# ⚠️ This container will need to be able to connect to your `phoenixd` instance.
# To do this you might need to fiddle with the config and/or docker networking.
docker run -p 8000:8000 -it phoenixd-lnurl


There's a set of additional dev requirements you need to install for tests to work and stuff:

Life will be easier if you also have just installed, but you can get by without it.

just install
# Or, manually:
# $ pip-sync requirements-dev.txt

# Run just just to see other options

# API docs (paths for phoenixd-lnurl with try-it-out buttons):
just docs

If you are stubborn, you can also forego installing pip-tools and use a regular pip install -r requirements-dev.txt, but changes to requirements must be made using the pip-tools tooling.

Using a tool like ngrok to proxy your local server (and optionally phoenixd) to the internet is handy, as LNURL requires https for clearnet.

Getting a decent testnet Lightning wallet with all the bells and whistles is also a bit of a pain. I found Zeus worked well using the Embedded LND node on testnet without much fuss -- caveat being that you can't also have a mainnet embedded LND configured. Running a second phoenixd would also work, but it doesn't support LNURL so you'd have to copy-paste invoices and manually call phoenixd-lnurl.

Once you have that, you'll have to hunt for a testnet faucet to get some testnet sats.

When ready:

# Make sure you've already got `phoenixd` running!
just serve

Roadmap to v1.0

  • Just receive LNURL LUD-16 payments (zaps)
  • Simple "zap me" QR code and copyable lightning:LNURL1... link webpage LUD-16
  • Provide sample Docker image
  • Provide sample Nginx config
  • Provide sample Systemd service definition
  • Basic CI (check normal install, dev install)
  • Maybe also provide sample Traefik config
  • Support configurable URL prefix for the app for people that might have collisions (or do this in nginx conf)
  • Support .onion hosting (HTTPS is assumed in a few places), needed for self-hosting on things like Umbrel
  • Support LUD-18: Payer identity in payRequest protocol

Later Roadmap

  • Notify when payments are received (Nostr DM?)
  • Support some kind of withdrawal mechanism (via Nostr DM?) instead of needing manual phoenix-cli use to get money out
  • Support actual Nostr Zaps
  • Also optionally be a Nostr NIP-05 server
  • Support multiple usernames
  • (maybe-scope-creep) auto-zap content you interact with/like on Nostr if funds are available

Tips 😘

1f52b@1f52b.xyz (yes, I am dogfooding) or tip page

License ⚖️

This work is dual-licensed under Apache 2.0 and BSD-2-Clause. You can choose between one of them if you use this work.

SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 OR BSD-2-Clause