
Nice little setup for running a couple of wordpress sites

Primary LanguageTypeScript


Nice little setup for running a couple of wordpress sites on a bare vps.


  • Packer to create the base image. This will be hosted on Hetzner but I want the flexibility to move providers
  • Pulumi to spin up the infra
  • Docker Compose to run the services, including
    • Caddy
    • Wordpress
    • MySQL
    • Ideally some monitoring (TBD)


Build base image (Packer)

Get the Hetzner API token and set it as an environment variable

cd image

packer build -var 'hetzner_token=your_token' image.pkr.hcl 

Note down the image ID at the end of the build process. This will be used in the next step.

Deploy infra (Pulumi)

cd infra
pulumi config set hcloud:token $HCLOUD_TOKEN --secret
pulumi up

Deploy services (Docker Compose)

Github Actions deploys app/docker-compose.yml to the server.

It needs a few secrets, which are stored in github secrets.

The script bin/env_to_gh_secrets takes a local app/.env.production file and creates the secrets in the github repo through gh cli. Then the pipeline takes those secrets and creates a remote .env file.