
This repository serves as my personal submission for the Final Project in the APIs Course offered by Meta through Coursera in the Back-End Developer Professional Certificate.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Meta: APIs' Final Project

This repository serves as my personal submission for the Final Project in the APIs Course offered by Meta through Coursera in the Back-End Developer Professional Certificate.

Postman Workspace

Project Structure

    │    ├───LittleLemon/
    │    │       ├───asgi.py
    │    │       ├───settings.py
    │    │       ├───urls.py
    │    │       └───wsgi.py
    │    ├───LittleLemonAPI/
    │    │       ├───admin.py
    │    │       ├───apps.py
    │    │       ├───models.py
    │    │       ├───permissions.py
    │    │       ├───serializers.py
    │    │       ├───tests.py
    │    │       ├───urls.py
    │    │       └───views.py
    │    ├───db.sqlite3
    │    └───manage.py

Getting Started

$ cd apis-final-project-meta/LittleLemon

$ pipenv shell

$ pipenv install

$ python3 manage.py makemigrations 

$ python3 manage.py migrate

$ python3 manage.py runserver

superuser Credentials

Username: admin

Email: admin@littlelemon.com

Password: admin@123!


Postman Workspace

Grading Criteria

  1. The admin can assign users to the manager group
  2. You can access the manager group with an admin token
  3. The admin can add menu items
  4. The admin can add categories
  5. Managers can log in
  6. Managers can update the item of the day
  7. Managers can assign users to the delivery crew
  8. Managers can assign orders to the delivery crew
  9. The delivery crew can access orders assigned to them
  10. The delivery crew can update an order as delivered
  11. Customers can register
  12. Customers can log in using their username and password and get access tokens
  13. Customers can browse all categories
  14. Customers can browse all the menu items at once
  15. Customers can browse menu items by category
  16. Customers can paginate menu items
  17. Customers can sort menu items by price
  18. Customers can add menu items to the cart
  19. Customers can access previously added items in the cart
  20. Customers can place orders
  21. Customers can browse their own orders