
This repository serves as my personal submission for the Back-End Developer Capstone Project offered by Meta through Coursera.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Meta: Back-End Capstone Project

This repository serves as my personal submission for the Back-End Capstone Project offered by Meta through Coursera in the Back-End Developer Professional Certificate.

Postman Workspace

Project Structure

    │    ├───littlelemon/
    │    │       ├───asgi.py
    │    │       ├───settings.py
    │    │       ├───urls.py
    │    │       └───wsgi.py
    │    ├───restaurant/
    │    │       ├───migrations/
    │    │       |      └───...
    │    │       ├───static/
    │    │       |      └───...
    │    │       ├───templates/
    │    │       |      └───index.html
    │    │       ├───tests/
    │    │       |      ├───test_models.py
    │    │       |      └───test_views.py
    │    │       ├───admin.py
    │    │       ├───apps.py
    │    │       ├───serializers.py
    │    │       ├───models.py
    │    │       ├───permissions.py
    │    │       ├───serializers.py
    │    │       ├───urls.py
    │    │       └───views.py
    │    └───manage.py

Getting Started

$ cd backend-capstone-project-meta/littlelemon

$ pipenv shell

$ pipenv install

$ python3 manage.py makemigrations 

$ python3 manage.py migrate

$ python3 manage.py runserver

MySQL User Credentials

User: admindjango

Password: employee@123!

superuser Credentials

Username: admin

Email: admin@littlelemon.com

Password: admin@123!

Customer Credentials

Username: customer

Email: customer@gmail.com

Password: cust@123!


Postman Workspace

Grading Criteria

  1. Does the web application use Django to serve static HTML content?
  2. Has the learner committed the project to a Git repository?
  3. Does the application connect the backend to a MySQL database?
  4. Are the menu and table booking APIs implemented?
  5. Is the application set up with user registration and authentication?
  6. Does the application contain unit tests?
  7. Can the API be tested with the Insomnia REST client?