
Repo for CKAN instances page

Primary LanguageCSS

This is the repo for the iframe within http://ckan.org/instances/

How do I add my CKAN instance?

First create an issue for the instance here: https://github.com/okfn/ckan-instances/issues/new (please use: ckan#1 as a template).

Once you have done that if you are more geeky and understand git and JSON you can help us out even more, by making a pull request (if you aren't geeky, don't worry we'll do it at some point)

  1. Locate the instances.json file here: https://github.com/okfn/ckan-instances/blob/gh-pages/config/instances.json
  2. Take the data from the issue you created and make a pull request
  3. Also remember to add your image at /images/instance/{id}.png (where {id} is the "id" from the instances.json file)