Acunetix Full awvs 23.x

Acunetix for Windows using Docker

Acunetix Version

If you're looking to use Acunetix on your Windows machine, this repository provides a convenient solution using Docker. Below, you'll find step-by-step instructions on how to set it up.

The following repositories are quite useful:



Step 1: Pull the Docker Image

Start by pulling the Docker image that contains the Acunetix files:

CMD > docker pull xrsec/awvs:23.9.231020153

Acunetix 24

If you want to use version 24, you can use the following Docker image:

CMD > docker pull xrsec/awvs:24.4.240427095

Step 2: Start the Docker Imagen

Start Imagen Docker

CMD > docker run -itd --name awvs --cap-add LINUX_IMMUTABLE -p "3443:3443" "xrsec/awvs:23.9.231020153"

If you are using Acunetix 24, update the image name in the command.

Step 3: Access the Docker Image

Access the Docker image with the following command:

CMD > docker exec -it awvs /bin/bash

Then, from the bash of your docker image run:

apt update -y
apt upgrade -y
apt install libsqlite3-dev -y
apt install wget

Step 4: Download the Activation Script

Inside the Docker image, download the script necessary to activate your Acunetix version:

wget --no-check-certificate

Step 5: Provide Execution Permissions

Grant execution permissions to the downloaded script:

chmod +x /

Step 6: Activate Acunetix

Finally, run the script to activate the full version of Acunetix:


NOTE: Edit the HOSTS file of your Windows machine

CMD > notepad C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts awvs.lan

RootCA 「must」

Downlaod && Install RootCA.cer (this is installed in the browser of your Windows machine, for example in the root store of your Google Chrome or your Firefox)

Visit Web

URL: https://awvs.lan:3443/#/login
UserName: awvs@awvs.lan
PassWord: Awvs@awvs.lan

Acunetix Full


Once you've completed the installation, you should have a fully functional Acunetix setup on your Windows machine. Please note that any changes made within the Docker container may be lost if you decide to shut it down. In such cases, simply follow the installation steps again to reactivate Acunetix.


Feel free to contribute to this repository by opening issues or creating pull requests. Your contributions are highly appreciated.