A fullblown in-house animation library that can add instant scroll animation to all elements in your website, making it look beautiful & professional. Comes with tons of customization options but is still easy to use, all in a small footprint
- Abi-sha
- codewithme224
- coffee-loves-code-2003Foto EStore
- CorculesCorcules
- dude2511
- dutranetoOttawa
- FearlessJustice
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- fknorn
- florianbouvotCom & cie
- glassmansamMaastricht, Netherlands
- gpt-anuragLTIMindtree
- greeenboiSamsung Prism R&D
- Huzbi-crypto
- imdunn
- jesvijonathan@worldline
- JHShovonBangladesh
- kishorekumars2609chennai
- loitranit
- lyt3ralChennai, India
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- maximelaschetLaschet Software
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- OsDroidiRiyadh, Saudi Arabia
- Ren-Gen22Chennai
- SanditZZ
- StonedHesusParis, France
- tecte
- titan-rocky
- TomoyaKuroda
- ultratiemEarth
- vldfrTimisoara, Romania
- Wr4th100Chennai, India
- ZewZack