Kube-Anchor is a Kubernetes Admission Controller of type ValidatingWebhook to protect Kubernetes Cluster from accidental resource modifications during a production freeze window.
- akhilumapatheIndia
- anwarchkAR3SYSTEMS
- bryanasdev000Wake
- bsctlCLASTIX
- buriedgodGod's Own Country
- cbrgm@moia-dev
- chefgsSelf Employed
- curxB1 Systems GmbH
- developer-guy@trendyol
- dpavlosSRE @ AUTh
- eminaktas@Trendyol
- freakeinsteinEarth
- gisjedi@awetomaton
- hashilbasheer
- HaveFun83Germany
- herbygillotNew York
- IssifSysdig
- jeswinkninanDublin, Ireland
- jnmcfly@t3n
- lilic@HashiCorp
- marcusteixeira@stone-payments
- metalmatze@polarsignals
- mhdramzeen
- mruegBerlin, Germany
- paulfantom@AVSystem
- perriea@hartza-capital
- PrasadG193@infracloudio @kastenhq
- previousdeveloper@trendyol
- rm3lRed Hat
- rohithrajeev33
- sanketsudake@infracloudio
- shahul001
- sony7760India
- workato-jmonroe