
An Introduction to Various Math Topics

Primary LanguageTeX

Nightly builds - http://dtscode.io/~lysa/develop/

The Book Build status

This is a math book. We aim to take a logically rigorous, yet informal approach to math. You can see the source for the book in the book/ directory.


Nightly builds are available at develop/. Releases are available at master/. As of now, there are no releases.

For more details on the build system, refer to the guide to contributing.

To build the project from source, you'll need most of the TeXLive packages.

For a list of dependencies, refer to our guide to contributing on software.

git clone https://github.com/learnmath/book.git -b develop
cd book/book

The build script is not dangerous, you can look at it if you want. It builds the book, and generates it into a file called book.pdf in the book/ directory. If you have a slow computer, it might take about 30 seconds or so to build. On a fast computer, it will take less than a second. We don't include the PDF file in the git tree because it's a binary file, and thus causes merge conflicts if we try to track it.


You are welcome to add content, but please see the contributing guide first.

If you like chatting on IRC, come see us in #learnmath on FreeNode. If you don't know what IRC is, or you don't have a client set up, you can connect through FreeNode's webchat.

If you notice any errors, don't be shy to report then in the issue tracker. If you have any suggestions for improving this book, also post them in the issue tracker (or bring them up in the IRC channel).

If you have any questions about this book(or math), feel free to ask in the channel, or in the issue tracker.


The following people are the main contributors to the book:

They are also operators on our IRC channel. You may contact them if you need any help, but we encourage you to speak in the IRC channel rather than in PM.


We're still figuring this out! Hopefully, we'll have a real license soon.