
Assignments from COP 4538

Primary LanguagePython


Assignments from COP 4538

Various Algorithms and Data Structures coded in Python


maxmin.py Find the max and min values in a list

trendchange.py Find the points where the upward/downward trend changes in a list

matsum.py Find the sum of two matrices

listdupes.py Find the duplicate numbers in a list

linkedmerge.py Merge sort a linked list

hashchain.py Create a hash chain from a seed value of specified length

linkedinsert.py Insert words into a linked list in alphabetical order

palistack.py Check if a sentence is palindrome (uses Stack ADT)

hanoi.py prints the moves required to solve a hanoi puzzle of any disc difficulty

mergesort.py perform merge sort on a list

quicksort.py perform quick sort on a list

dijkstra.py find shortest path in a graph represented by an adjacency matrix

Supporting files

adjmat.txt adjacency matrix for dijkstra.py

hanoi.txt input for hanoi.py

stack.py stack class

node.py node class